Sunday, December 30, 2012

A Good Plan for 2013

As 2012 comes to a close, a plan for good health appears 
in front of our nose. 
Tis' the season for fabulous drinks and rich food, all of which gives us a sad, sluggish mood.
When what to our wondering eyes should appear... 
but 10 extra pounds on our hips & our rear!  
Start dancing and prancing to gluteals of steel, 
 and let 2013 be your greatest reveal!  

It is probably safe to say that most, if not all of us have overindulged in some way during the past 2 months. All with the promise to restart in the new year, or vow to stick to some unrealistic resolutions.  It is a vicious cycle that causes us to lose motivation and revert back to the bad habits that got us here in the first place! Yet, even worse, can force us to take extreme measures to find traction..

Why do we do this to ourselves?  It is crazy, so STOP it and STOP IT RIGHT NOW!

Today is NOW - our CURRENT existence is our REALITY - We must DEAL WITH IT!  If we don't like what that is, only WE can CHANGE it.  Decide today if you want/need a change and commit to yourself to see it through.

So what and how are we going to start to improve? Here are some easy ideas that may strike a chord.   
  • detox or cleanse
  • fasting 
  • supplements
  • HIIT - high intensity interval training
  • Yoga
  • Meditation, guided imagery
  • de-clutter -not just your closet

You can jump start your metabolism, get your organs cleansed, and rid your diet of toxins all naturally, without any harmful effects. After days, months or even small intervals of excessive consumption, these cleanses will help digestion and natural elimination of waste.

Remember that we can take any of these to extreme levels - that is NOT recommended.  I hope we read through it, find a few things that are doable, and get you energized.

** Read through these and adapt for your lifestyle and comfort level.

Cayenne Pepper Cleanse
10 Ways to Detoxify Your Body | Gaiam Life
Become a minimalist - Declutter your life

Stay tuned for..
- tips and supplement information
 such as:  L-Carnatine, Chromium Picolinate, MSM
- Intense, but short duration workouts designed to be done anywhere, anytime with little or no   equipment 
- group support

Now get jumping and squatting and move with some hustle,  say no to those cookies and build up some muscle!

And lastly, some humor to keep it all real..


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